Adaptation of Educational Stress Scale into Turkish Culture: The Study of Reliability and Validity


  • İsmail SEÇER
  • Fatih VEYİS
  • Ramazan A. GÖKÇEN


Academic stress, reliability, validity, scale adaptation


The aim of this research is to analyze the psychometric specialties of the Educational Stress Scale
that was developed by Sun, Dunne, Hou and Xu through carrying out adapting activities to Turkish. The scale is
a five-Likert type scale composed of 16 items with five dimensions in itself. The participants of the study are
625 students studying at primary and secondary schools in the city center of Erzurum. After the translation
processes, expert opinions were taken for the language validity. For the structure validity, exploratory and
confirmative factor analyses were conducted. The results of describing factor analysis indicated that the scale
explained four-dimension variations by 62,31 % and it was also found that the result of confirmative factor
analysis showed well conformity with this four-dimension structure (RMSEA=.054, RMR= .013, NFI=.90,
CFI=.96, IFI=.97, RFI=.92, AGFI=.90, GFI=.92). These sub-dimensions are working press, workload, success
anxiety and desperateness of expectancy. As a result of the reliability analysis of the scale, consistency coefficiency was found for all scale .86 while it was found .81 for test retest reliability of the scale.




How to Cite

İsmail SEÇER, Fatih VEYİS, & Ramazan A. GÖKÇEN. (2023). Adaptation of Educational Stress Scale into Turkish Culture: The Study of Reliability and Validity. Elementary Education Online, 14(1), 216‐229. Retrieved from


