The Analysis of the Levels of 4th Grade Students Conscious Usage of School Canteen*


  • Halil İbrahim Sağlam
  • Duygu Özdemir


Conscious Consumerism, Conscious Use of School Canteen, And Social Studies


This research was conducted to determine the levels of conscious use of school canteens by the 4th grade primary school students. For the validity and reliability, scale was applied for 231 primary school 4th grade students. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) was used for construct validity according to the data obtained from this application. The Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient of .70, which is 16 items, explains 42.14% of the variance. Using School Canteen Consciously Scale (USCCS), which consists of subdimensions such as “quality”, “responsibility” and “need”. After the pre-implementation, the scale was applied to 1071 elementary school students in 4 primary schools, 513 (48%) girls and 558 (52%) boys. As a result of the research, it was found that 4th grade primary school students did not consciously use the school canteen at the desired level and it differentiated significantly in favor of women at the level of using
school canteen consciously in terms of gender of students, those studying at private schools in terms of the quality of type of school, and those who always go to school after having breakfast at home in terms of whether they go to school by having breakfast before school or not. It differs to a great extent against the students with low levels of family income in terms of quality, liability and scale according to their family income levels; according to the situation of getting money from their families, quality, responsibility, level
of the needs and in terms of the total scale it differs in favor of the students who take weekly allowances. 




How to Cite

Halil İbrahim Sağlam, & Duygu Özdemir. (2023). The Analysis of the Levels of 4th Grade Students Conscious Usage of School Canteen*. Elementary Education Online, 17(4), 1944–1959. Retrieved from


